Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Major In Marketing?

I've always known that someday I wanted to be in business. As a freshmen in college, I was unsure what major to choose from in the business department. After doing some research, I chose marketing. I thought my findings would be something other people would be interested in who are having second thoughts if they should major in Marketing.

Why Major in Marketing?

First, nearly a third of all employed Americans are employed in marketing or marketing related field. A marketing degree will give you a head start and help you standout from other applicants! Marketing is essential to almost every field in business.

Money. Marketing positions generally offer great starting salaries. In fact, marketing majors have some of the highest starting salaries of any major, not just business!

Marketing is a very broad field. Not only do marketing majors receive the highest starting salaries, but they also get jobs faster. That is because marketing is extremely broad compared to most fields and there is a high demand for marketing majors.

Did you know more executives in business were marketing majors that any other major? Want to become the next Steve Jobs? Well, that may be a difficult task, but major in marketing and learn how to market your favorite products.

Marketing is FUN! Yes, marketing is creative and fun. For instance, my professor showed a youtube clip of IKEA's marketing technique they did through Facebook. The first people who tagged themselves on the furniture in the pictures IKEA provided, won that item. It was very cool and created a lot of buzz around the world and was all over Facebook. Marketing is the one field that really lets you brings out your creative side to help sell a product.

These are just a few examples to help you consider if Marketing is right for you. Hope you enjoyed. Goodbye!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pizza Party!

Last thursday we all got together and talked about our experience in this english class. We all had great things to say and really enjoyed the food. we agreed that we should keep making postings on this blog...kinda to just stay in touch with eachother over the summer. i know for me leaving was a feeling that was I was happy to finally be done with the class but sad at the same time because I have become so close with all of my peers. Danielle and Jeff has been great for us this year and we only wish we would have utilized them more throughout the semester! overall this class was a success for most of us and we learned a great deal from the papers and reading assignments!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So it is the tuesday of finals week and I officially have not gone to sleep since I woke up on sunday morning around 11a.m. I pretty sure thats not to good for my personal health but it also seems necessary in order to do well on my tests and papers. I know I could have prepared much better for this week and relieved alot of stress but instead I'm stuck pulling all-nighters till I'm finished with my freshman year which seems a little fast and a little weird. But to everyone good luck on fianls and have an awesome summer. I know I will. I'm actually spending it up here on campus taking classes. Cant get enough of this place!

A Little Late

This post is about the Stander Symposium. I went to a couple of different presentations and first of all you need to get to where ever you are going early if you want a seat. The first presentations I saw were given by sophmore ENT majors. I went to this one becuase it is what I am interested in. It was really cool to see the different ideas that groups of people can come up with for the consumer. I went to a couple of other things and in all I really enjoyed waking up and just being able to walk around campus and see what everyone is doing.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Great Snacks to Keep Students Going

Studying for finals can be very monotonous. At times it can be hard to stay focused. That is, unless you are studying in Marianist Hall. Every night this finals week, at midnight, they are serving coffee and donuts. The caffeine from the coffee and the sugar buzz from the donuts make it a lot easier to stay focused and keep on going. The donuts are phenomenal. they come in chocolate, powdered sugar, and glazed. They also have donut holes if you would rather have one of those. So this year, while you are studying for finals, think about stopping by for a donut or some coffee, because you earned it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cafe Boulevard

Several weeks ago, I went to Dayton's historic Oregon District and decided to dine at the trendy Cafe Boulevard. The decor is that of a jazz club, and has a very European feel. There are beautiful paintings on the wall and the layout of the restaurant is very modern. They also have a trendy lounge area. The menu offers dishes from pasta to seafood, and also offers some awesome appetizers and desserts. I ordered the filet mignon that included asparagus and three different sauces. I was pleasently suprised when the food was brought to the table. The plate was laid out in a cool design, and it looked very gourmet. But, best of all, the food was awesome. I would recommend going there because the atmosphere is interesting, the food is great, and it is affordable.

Dayton's Historic Oregon District

Last weekend I wanted to just get off campus and do something fun and new. A friend had suggested that she heard of this place called the Oregon District that was about five minutes away from campus. We decided to give it a try, and I must say it was one of the most fun nights that I had had in a while. The city of Oregon is one of the most alive parts of Dayton and it includes historical buildings, antique shops, cafĂ©’s, parades, a comedy club, Ohio’s largest Halloween party, picnics in the park, street vendors, musicians, and a unique Rock Climbing Gym - Urban Krag. I thought the area looked very trendy and upbeat. We decided to go to the Oregon Emporium to get a cup of coffee. The small coffee shop was very modern looking, and even had a wine bar inside of it. Some other restaurants included Jay's Seafood, Pacchia, Cafe Boulevard, and The Oregon Express. There are also various businesses and inns around the District. So, if your looking for a place to go to get off campus, try Dayton's Oregon District!